Without Apology

March 26, 2020by Wanjiku J. Kiarie0

When you are so used to keeping quiet
Instead of speaking your thoughts
When you have been dumbed down
When you speak you follow it with an apology

When you are so used to not being seen
Instead of living your fullest
When you have been made into a shadow
When you are seen you follow it with an apology

When you are so used to not think
Instead of processing your thoughts
When your mind has been caged
When you think you follow it with an apology

When you are so used to not feel
Instead of expressing your feelings
When your emotions have been trivialized
When you feel you follow it with an apology

Whatever you do
However much resistance
Keep speaking
Keep thinking
Keep feeling

The freedom and life that flows from it
Will slowly but surely wipe out the apology
The energy and boldness that flows from it
Will set you free

To Speak
To Think
To Feel
Without Apology!



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