
love Archives - hiscreation


Love is your name Love is your essence Love is your character Love is who you are And because your ways are higher than our ways And because your thoughts are higher than our thoughts Your expression of love confounds us That you would become one of us Incarnational love Love that came down Love...

growth . . .

LEARN| UNLEARN| RELEARN i don’t know i know that i don’t know so i seek to know this way i will know SEE| UNSEE| RESEE i don’t see i know that i don’t see so i seek to learn to see this way i will see LOVE| UNLOVE| RELOVE i don’t love i know that...

my quest

to know myself as i am fully known to see myself as i am fully seen to love myself as i am fully loved to know humans and nature as they are/it is fully known to see humans and nature as they are/it is fully seen to love humans and nature as they are/it is...

Rahab – Now Faith . . .

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for. (Hebrews 11:1-2) Rahab is introduced to us as a prostitute. Some Bible versions render that as Rahab the harlot. Not sure why harlot sounds more damning in my mind that...

Mary Magdalene – She knew

To know is to bear a burden A burden of responsibility A responsibility to act or not to act To action the knowledge To walk away from the knowledge Mary Magdalene knew who the Lord was So she anointed Him with precious oil So she never fled So she was there at the tomb So...

Disciplining In Love

a bruised reed he will not break,    and a faintly burning wick he will not quench (Isaiah 42:3) A couple days ago I came home from a meeting and was met by an entourage of ‘reporters’ “Mami” “Mama Wendo” All telling me in unison: “Thayu alivunja TV. Aliigonga na lemon chwa, then pa ikavunjika” (Thayu...

It takes a village . . .

It takes a village to raise a child my people say. And I dare say that it takes a village to write and publish a book. I had a few favorite teachers in graduate school. One of them is Prof. Mark Shaw. He is  man of wisdom and calmness, I enjoyed the one class he...