The Self Publishing Journey . . .

Yes, I have self-published my first book.

Let’s take a moment of silence and celebrate the goodness of the LORD! Hallelujah

It is you who light my lamp;
    the Lord, my God, lights up my darkness.
By you I can crush a troop,
    and by my God I can leap over a wall.
This God—his way is perfect;
    the promise of the Lord proves true;
    he is a shield for all who take refuge in him.

2 Samuel 22:29-31/ Psalm 18:28-30

My God has been my lamp, He has lit up my darkness on this journey.

By Him I have crushed troops and leaped over walls.

He has fulfilled every promise as regards this project and the self publishing journey. And indeed He has been my shield as I have continued to take refuge in Him.

‘Cold calling’ has become my second nature as I have walked the self-publishing route.

Hello, My name is Joyce Mwangi and I have written a book. It is a devotional on the Kenya National Anthem, all the 18 lines (i doubt some people knew that they are 18 lines in the Kenya National Anthem ???). And the devotional has study questions for each line . . .

I have lost count of the number of times I have walked up to complete strangers, written them an email, or even called them and said the above lines to them.

For my husband his line has been:

Hello, my wife has written a book that you should look at. It is a devotional on the Kenya National Anthem . . .

And thanks to him and his courage, I have entered some offices I hitherto would have imagined too high for me. Thank you Sammy.

But not all of my calls have been ‘cold call’s. I have called and met friends and acquaintances that have been so kind to me and the project. Like the first person who endorsed my book, Rev. Canon Rosemary Mbogo: God bless her. This is what she said:

This Kenya National Anthem devotional is a deep well thought Bible based tool.  It is a must read for families, institutions of learning and all members of the body of faith.  If well embraced with understanding as a specific prayer to Him who is the provider of everything, it sets an environ of reverence, anticipation and great harmony. It powerfully articulates God’s character of love.  Further it analysis his facets of him being God of blessing, God of justice echoing Micah 6: 8, as well as God of unity, peace and liberty. Put in the hands of young learners it would influence positively their mindsets and direct their paths in loving their God, themselves, others and their Nation.

Rev Canon Rosemary Mbogo (ACK Provincial Secretary/ NCCK Chairperson)

Indeed with my God I have leaped over walls as a self-published author ?

Order you book here.

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