O God, You are my God; I shall seek You earnestly; My soul thirsts for You, my flesh yearns for You, In a dry and weary land where there is no water. (Psalm 63:1)

The world we live is full of so many things both good and evil that seek to tug at our hearts and keep us from whole-heartedly seeking after God. Our flesh yearns for many of those. But today, our prayer for ourselves and our children is that our flesh would yearn for God; yes our flesh. This flesh that seeks to enthrone itself every minute, this flesh that is in continuous war with the Spirit; that’s the flesh that we desire to yearn for God.

Yearning for God means you know something little about Him; you desire to want to know Him more and desire for Him more. That is why it is important, it cannot be overemphasized the teaching of God’s Word to our children. As they learn God’s Word and begin to know God then their desires including their flesh will begin to be aligned towards God and what pleases Him. Then their flesh will yearn for God; yearn for God because He alone can sustain them, He alone is life giving, He alone is life sustaining, He alone is eternal life.

Question of the Day: Observe your child/ren for a day and ask yourself, what does their flesh yearn for? Plan out ways to begin the journey to actualizing Psalm 63:1



Father, we desire that our flesh would yearn for You. Consume us with Yourself Father, as we commit ourselves to the Study of Your Word and teaching of the same to our children. In this fallen world, Father let our flesh and the flesh of our children yearn for you. To the glory of Your name. In Jesus name we ask, Amen

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