Jochebed – Hope that does not disappoint

January 22, 2021by Wanjiku J. Kiarie0

Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance;  perseverance, character; and character, hope.  And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us. 
Romans 5:3-5

Jochebed, a name that does not instantly ring a bell in many peoples minds. Let’s add Moses into the mix and maybe, just maybe a few might get the connection. But for most, you need to speak it plainly; Jochebed was the mother of Moses. She also had two other well know children, Aaron and Miriam.

When I think about Jochebed my heart is heavy. This mother carries life in her womb for 9 months or there about and she delivery a healthy bouncing baby boy. Unfortunately right about the same time, there is a murder decree against Hebrew boys. If you do not know the setting of the story, the Hebrews are slaves in Egypt. Having gone there on there at the invitation of Joseph to flee from famine and save their lives. Unfortunately regimes changed and we are told that a new king who neither knew Joseph or the increasing populance of Hebrews in Goshen came about. The result is that Hebrews became slaves in Egypt for a long long long time.

Back to Jochebed, the Egyptian king aka Pharaoh is not happy with the increase in number of the Hebrew peeps. He tried everything to cap their numerical growth from slavery, harsh slave conditions, instructing the Hebrew midwives to kill Hebrew boys at birth and nothing worked. By the way the term ‘Hebrew birth’ comes from this account. Because the Hebrew midwives fearing God told the Pharaoh that Hebrew women are no joke, before the midwife arrives they have delivered! So the Pharaoh results to murder, kill every Hebrew boy by drowning them; throw them into the River Nile!

Jochebed gives birth to Moses at the time of this decree. She hides him for three months, but can hide him no longer. So, she makes a basket, lines it warmyl, puts her precious son inside, covers the basket and puts in on the Nile. Same Nile Hebrew boys are being drowned in. Miriam enters the scene here. She follows the basket along the Nile. And as Providence would have it, a princes from the very palace a murder decree has gone out, decides to go for a bath in the Nile at the same time!

Princess rescues the baby floating inside a basket in the Nile and names him Moses, drawn out of the water. Baby gal Miriam is still watching her small brother and as soon as the Princes is out of the water she steps up and she has an idea. Would the princess be in need of a wet nurse? I always picture this scene and it makes me smile – a hope that does not disappoint. I am sure Miriam was wet and dripping, basket that delivered Moses to the Princes might have still been close by, maids attending to the Princess were around her and the princess is carrying her Hebrew son rescued from the Nile. Miriam’s suggestion sails through and Moses is raised by Jochebed! He is now a son in the house of Pharaoh, no harm can befall him, atleast for now.

I do not know what Jochebed had in mind when she let the basket onto the Nile. I can only imagine the prayers she made, the tears she cried, the wail she let out. All I know is that her hope for better, for life for her son was fulfilled; and she got to raise him for pay from the very palace that his execution order had emanated! This is me breaking out into a Holy Ghost inspired dance. Hallelujah!

So now faith, HOPE, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.
1 Corinthians 13:13


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