I am the fulfillment of their wildest dreams

I am the fulfillment of their wildest dreams
My Grandmother
My Mother
My Aunties
My Godmother
My Sisters
My Daughters
My Son

I am the fulfillment of their unspoken desires
I am the fulfillment of their silent teary prayers
I am the fulfillment of their denied rights
I am the fulfillment of their hopes and ambitions
I am the fulfillment of their passions
I am the fulfillment of their unmet longings
I am the fulfillment of their wildest dreams

And every time I feel like quitting this journey
Every time I feel weary and tired
Every time I forget why I am pressing and pushing
Every time I wonder out aloud if it is all worth it

I remember the prayers and prophecies of my grandmother
I remember the laughter and pride of my mother
I remember the longings and hopes of my aunties
I remember the silence and pain of my godmother
I remember the dreams and desires of my sisters
I remember the spark in their eyes when they spoke the future by faith
I remember their silent tears
I remember their hushed voices
I remember the scars on their minds, spirits and bodies
I remember the dancing sparkle in the eyes of my daughters
I remember the animated gusto in the stride of my son

And I have no choice but to rise up and become
Rise up and keep walking
Rise up and become the fulfillment of their wildest dreams


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