Firm may we stand to defend

April 15, 2017by Wanjiku J. Kiarie0

Firm may we stand to defend

 Be watchful, stand firm in your faith, be courageous, be strong.  Let all that you do be done in love. (1  Corinthians 16:13-14)

O God of all creation, help us to stand firm and defend our homeland of Kenya, this very heritage of splendour that you have graciously given unto us.

Standing firm in defense of our homeland and the heritage of splendour is not about war using weapons of mass destruction no! It is a war fought God’s way: through obedience and prayer, that’s the spirit of the Kenya National Anthem. We must stand firm and defend the values passed down to us of godliness. The values of truth, the place of God’s Word and obedience to that Word. We stand firm and defend trough love. By loving our God with all our hearts, mind and strength, loving our neighbors as ourselves and loving our enemies and doing good to those who hate and hurt us.

We stand and defend our homeland of Kenya and the heritage of splendour by standing on Christ the Solid Rock! By choosing to walk on the path of holiness, by choosing not to bow down to the gods of this age – the god of money, pleasure, sex, fame, entertainment – and bowing down to the Only One and True God, YHWH! This calls for courage and strength, because standing firm in faith is not a walk in the park; especially in the present age. But be of courage and good cheer, God has overcome the world!


O God of all creation, thank you for gift of our homeland of Kenya. Our heritage of splendour. Help us to stand firm and defend it. Help us to stand firm for truth and right. Help us to study your Word and obey it even in the face of great opposition and danger. Help us to shine your light in a dark world by walking in love. In Jesus Name, Amen!

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