He chose me.
He loved me.
He chose me before the foundation of the earth
He loved me before time began
He chose me as His Beloved
He loved me as His Own
It feels good to be chosen
It feels good to be loved
To be chosen by God
To be loved by God
I have not always been chosen by humans
I have not always been loved by humans
His choosing was by Word and Action
He said it and He action it
His love was by Word and Deed
He said it and He showed it
Rarely will a good man die for a sinner
Rarely will a good man taker over the debt of another
But God did
He who chose me, died for me
He who loved me, took over my debt
He who chose me, gave me His life
He who loved me, secured my freedom
I am chosen
I am loved
And oooohhhh
What a wonderful feeling it is to be chosen
Every single time
What a freeing thing it is to be loved
Every single day
My Prayer
To accept to be chosen
To receive His love
To choose Him
To love Him