3 crucial things to know when considering a myomectomy: the surgical removal of fibroids from your uterus


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On 28th November 2011, I went under the knife to remove the numerous fibroids in my uterus that had caused me two painful miscarriages and endless visits to the doctor. It had been a journey of 10 solid months to convince me to finally undergo the myomectomy: Or should I be more honest and say it was actually 2 years into marriage without children and growing pressure from all around.

Many of the people in my life, from strangers in the medical profession that I had met in hospital to family members and my gynecologist had differing opinions about the procedure. But what most of them if not all of them agreed on was that I needed to have that procedure done, and done quickly! The exception was one lady, God bless her for her kindness to me. She had gone through a myomectomy after a series of miscarriages and later God blessed her with two beautiful children. So I made a date with her just to hear from her personal experience and ask all the questions I had about the procedure. It was after our talk that I finally garnered up enough courage to go under the knife armed with more than wishful thinking and blind hope.

So what are the 3 crucial things you need to know when considering a myomectomy:

  1. Myomectomy is a major surgery

I had numerous fibroids inside my uterus that needed to be removed. There are different types of fibroids, based on their location in your uterus. I had/and still have (though not as many) intramural fibroids. These are fibroids that are on the walls of the uterus – inner side. They can vary in sizes from 1cm to even 15cm and more!

To prepare for the surgery I went to hospital three months prior, once a month, and donated blood for myself (autologous blood donation) to be used during the surgery. The gynecologist had advised that since we would a lot of blood during the operation it was best if we used mine: I followed her advice . On d-day she actually put it all back in, saved us a lot of panic and blood donation pleas.

The procedure to remove the fibroids, because of the size and location, involved a bikini line cut much similar to the one done during a CS. I was on full anesthesia the whole time: I am not strong enough to watch/listen in as someone cuts me up. I prefer full anesthesia for any theatre procedure. But you can choose halfway anesthesia.

After the operation, I could not keep anything down. My stomach was in knots; throwing up was such a task I felt like my whole digestive system would blow up into smithereens. But after a couple of days things slowly normalized and I was able to eat, stand up on my feet and go home to continue the healing process there.

  1. Myomectomy is not a guarantee that you will never have miscarriages again

The dear friend that walked me through myomectomy before I made a decision to undergo the procedure drummed this into my head. I was advised to undergo a myomectomy because the reason why I was having miscarriages and was unable to conceive thereafter was pinned down to the presence of numerous fibroids in my uterus. However, undergoing through a myomectomy is not a guarantee that you will never have a miscarriage again.

The female body, and indeed the human body is not one that has been understood in its entirety by the human mind and especially the medical professional. What they mostly do is eliminate barriers to conceiving and hope the odds fall in your favor. My dear friend actually had a miscarriage after the procedure. I on the other hand have never had a miscarriage since the procedure. It’s a 50/50 guarantee.

  1. Undergoing a myomectomy is not a guarantee that you will conceive and carry a baby to full term

Yep! I know that is the main reason most women undergo the procedure but the truth is there is no guarantee you will hold your baby in your arms as a result of the procedure. However, it does definitely give you a better chance at eliminating the odds against you.

That’s why the doctors confess: we treat but God cures. Ultimately, our hope rests in God’s working in our bodies to enable them carry life to term.


Going through a myomectomy does not mean that you will never have fibroids ever again. I still have some fibroids in my uterus. Some are calcified and some are tiny thus pose no danger in my reproduction quest.

So dear lady considering a myomectomy, I would say go for it. Consider autologous blood donation to prepare for the procedure. No guarantee but there is a high chance the tides might turn in your favour!

They did for me: I have two living children.

Image Source: polkadotpoplars.com

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