But those who are noble plan noble things,
and by noble things they stand. (Isaiah 32:8)
Most of us when we see the word ‘noble’ our minds either jump to Proverbs 31 a wife of noble character or to kings and royalty. However there is more to this term that we have been exposed to. Noble also means uprightness, a person of virtue and good character. Therefore the noble/upright plan noble/upright things and by noble/upright things they stand.
Let us for a moment reflect on the kind of characters that surround us in our society. Not many in positions of influence and power can be described as noble. So where will our children get examples of what it means to be noble? From the Word of God and from us as their parents, aunties and uncles, mentors and guardians. We are called to be noble and in that way teach our children this most rewarding path.
Activity of the Day: Make a list of noble things and practice doing them with your child/ren.
Father, you are the epitome of what it means to be noble. Teach us Father to be noble, in our thoughts, words and actions. And then help us Father to inculcate noble behavior in our children. For your glory and honor. This we ask in Jesus Name, Amen