Like a city breached, without walls,
    is one who lacks self-control. (Proverbs 25:28)

Every time I read this Proverb it is such jolting warning, I ask God to continually bear self-control as a fruit of the spirit within me. The image of a breached city, a breached compound without walls is one that has shut up my mouth many times when I would rather have given away a piece of my mind. I thank God that His Word is alive and active, always prompting us to do what is right at every turn; may God always quicken us to obey His Word.

Self-control is a life preserving virtue as well as a life giving virtue. The person who is self-control keeps themselves from a lot of harm, unnecessary arguments, destructive actions, bad decisions, broken relationships, and regretted words. On the other hand by having self-control that person gives life to those around them by keeping them from life draining results of lack of self-control. Anger is one of the results of a person who lacks self-control: angry words, angry actions, decisions made in anger which end up harming the individual as well as those who are recipients of their lack of self-control.


Question for the Day: How can you cultivate self-control in your child this week?


Father, you have freely and generously given us your Holy Spirit who indwells us and teaches us all things. Self-control is a fruit of the Spirit. Father we pray that self-control as a fruit of the Spirit would be borne in us and our children. That we would not be as a city breached, without walls but be better than the mighty and better than those who capture cities because of self-control. In Jesus name we ask, Amen.

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