O God of all creation
This is a most profound and important opening line of the Kenyan National Anthem.
It sets the pace and the foundation for the rest of the anthem; it definitely marks out the Kenyan National Anthem as a prayer.
So who is this God of all creation?
Genesis 1:1 – In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
That is the God we are praying to as Kenyan’s when we sing the National Anthem – the creator of heaven and earth and everything therein.
One of his most telling character is double edged and clearly presented in John 3:16
For God so loved the world, that He gave His ONLY Begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.
Our Creator God is characterized by love and holiness. He who is the God and creator of all creation loves what He created so much that even before the foundations of the earth He set in motion a redemption plan! Hallelujah. He stands undefiled by sin and yet loves those defiled by it. In His love He gave His Son to reconcile sinners back to Himself; by clothing them in the righteousness of His Son Jesus Christ.
Love exemplified, holiness and righteousness attained, justice fulfilled: John 3:16
He is love and He is Holy: both stand uncompromised! Both stand fulfilled and satisfied in John 3:16
O God of all creation, O God who is love and Holy we call upon you today on behalf of our nation. And what we ask is for mercy, have mercy on us You whose property is always to have mercy, have mercy on us. Our Creator, draw us back to your Holiness in love, back to a restored relationship with you; as individuals, as families and as an entire nation. In Jesus Name, Amen!