Be hospitable to one another without complaining. (1 Peter 4:9)

Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing that some have entertained angels without knowing it. (Hebrews 13:2)

We live in a fallen world. A world affected by war, by poverty, by calamities, diseases and illnesses, by consequences of environmental degradation and climate change. Many people, some we know and others who are strangers to us daily need our help. It is our responsibility as human beings but more so as Christians to be hospitable to those in need; to the extent of the ability God has bestowed upon each and every one of us.

Sharing is one key starting point to teach your children to be hospitable. Yet we all know very well how hard it is to share that we which we right feel exclusively belongs to us. Being hospitable is a virtue and character quality that clearly pleases God, moves the heart of God. Just reflect on the account of Abraham entertaining angels unknowingly (Genesis 18).

Question of the Day: How can you practice being hospitable this week?



Father, the account of Abraham entertaining Angels unknowingly is a contrast of the society we live in today. It is a society where fear drives most of our interactions with strangers and many a times has made us lose out on opportunities to be hospitable especially to strangers. Dear Father, we as your children desire to obey you and teach our children to do the same specifically in this area of being hospitable. We therefore ask for wisdom and provision to obey this your command to be hospitable. In Jesus Name we ask, Amen.

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