Goodbye Comfort Zone

February 11, 2020by Guest Blogger0

Don’t cry, don’t even beg me to stay.
It’s time to leave.
It has been long overdue you know..
Just to imagine you think I didn’t love you enough breaks my heart..
We had good times together.

I thought we’d be together forever!
Just that reality had hit home.
I was made for more than this.
I must get going.. New horizons are beckoning. Destinies are waiting for me.
I don’t promise I will be back..

Once I walk forward,
I might never glance back,
Don’t get me all wrong…
It doesn’t mean you’re no longer comfortable.
Just that comfort is no longer a priority.
I desire more because I deserve better than this.

Goodbye Comfort Zone.
So long Comfort Zone darling.

When I meet your siblings along the way,
I will stay with them just long enough to catch my breath,
I will tell them all about how great you were.
However, I won’t hesitate to mention that even around them, my resolve is the same.

I won’t settle for less…
The windy may be rattling..
The sun scorching..
The snow biting my back..
But I must trudge on the path.
I cannot camp there one more day.
Destiny is elusive you know,
And the persistently ticking clock makes my heart shudder.

I have to go now. Goodbye Comfort Zone. So long…



About our Guest Blogger

Paps Wanyugi is a Certified Life Coach, Psychologist and Millennials Mentor with a mission to inspire individuals and groups to create the life they desire and deserve. She runs mentorship platforms for women, teens, mentors and parents to become intentional and confident. Paps is wife to James Wanyugi and Mum to Crystal and Yaniv. For recreation, Paps anjoys watching inspirational movies, travelling and quality time with family and friends,

She is your GO-TO Coach if you need Purpose Clarity
Emotional Healing
Confidence Boost.

You can reach her on or 0735428808

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